I have been plagued with pimples ever since I hit puberty (say that three times fast) and let me tell you, at times, it isn't pretty. This year my skin has been brighter and clearer than ever before and I've attributed its beauty to the apple cider vinegar pills I have been taking (they're easier to take down than the pungent vinegar itself). This weekend I went down to Whole Foods and bought myself a bottle of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar and figured I'd try a couple of home remedies with the real stuff. So yesterday when a monster of a pimple showed up on my forehead I decided to take the bottle for a run and made myself a little mixture of 1 part apple cider vinegar, 3 parts water and let it sit. Then with a cotton swab I rubbed the mixture across my face, let sit for fifteen minutes and rinsed with cold water. I then took a Q-tip and placed the mixture on the large pimple on my forehead and let stay for the night. Do you want to know what my forehead looked like in the morning? It was PERFECTLY clear. Never in my lifetime of pimple madness have I experienced something like this. If only my thirteen-year-old self had learned of this remedy I might actually be able to look at my junior-high photos.
Bottom line: if you have any sort of acne USE THIS SHIT!
Click here for other uses of apple cider vinegar